Autonomic resonance test (vega test) is called the test, which determines the body's tolerance to different foods, food ingredients and beverages. This is a new class of bioenergy test in bioelectronics, based on the principle of electroacupuncture, such as to establish food tolerance, drinks or substance deficiencies, only one reproducible measurement point is used. VEGATEST EXPERT is a highly sensitive digital German apparatus, latest generation medical equipment, possessing all European and world quality and safety certificates. The method used in the vega test is based on theory, that each food and food ingredient has a different energy structure. The research is done, by testing the body's individual response to different foods and substances, by creating a connecting chain between man-food-apparatus. It is established to which foods the body has a good tolerance, i.e. which of them breaks down, absorbs and converts into energy and which of them it breaks down slowly, does not absorb enough and accumulates in the form of fat deposits, slags and toxins. Test results are valid for three to six months, as after this period the indicators (may) change their values, depending on the diet, the possible intake of nutritional supplements, medicines etc. The Vega test is absolutely painless, safe and non-invasive. Done within an hour. The Vega test is the modern effective way to control health and weight, by supporting the transition to a lifestyle more optimized for the body's needs.
The Vega Test does not make a diagnosis! The test gives information about your body's tolerance to foods and can support your treatment.
Food, beverages and food ingredients, tested with VEGATEST EXPERT:
GROUP 1: Alcohol
No. Indicator
1 Beer
2 Cognac
3 Red wine
4 White wine
5 Ethanol
GROUP 2: Synthetic fragrances
No. Indicator
6 Pineapple
7 An apple
8 Apricot
9 Banana
10 Bitter almond
11 Blackberry
12 Black currant
13 Strawberry
14 Blueberry
15 Raspberry
16 Coffee
17 Vishnovka
18 Cherry
19 Almond
20 Cocktail cherries
21 Orange
22 Mint
23 Peach
24 pistachios
25 Rome
26 Grapes
27 Vanilla
28 Wonder berry
29 Pear
30 Lemon
GROUP 3: Faucets
No. Indicator
31 Apple pectin
32 Baking soda
33 Gelatin
34 Maya
GROUP 4: Flower pollen
No. Indicator
35 Flower pollen
GROUP 5: Eggs
No. Indicator
36 Egg yolk
37 Egg white
GROUP 6: Ready-made sauces and spices
No. Indicator
38 Seasoning with brewer's yeast Cenovis
39 Ketchup
40 Maggi unisex
41 Apple vinegar
42 Wine vinegar
GROUP 7: Fats/Oils
No. Indicator
43 Oil
44 Milk thistle oil
45 Peanut butter
46 Deep fried
47 Margarine
48 Olive oil
49 Rapeseed oil
50 Rice oil
51 Soybean oil
52 Sunflower oil
GROUP 8: fish
No. Indicator
53 An eel
54 Shrimp
55 Whitefish
56 Shield
57 Cancer
58 Trout
59 Pike
60 Lobster
61 fever
62 Carp
63 King prawn
64 Salmon
65 Mussels
66 Sardine
67 Sea language
68 Tuna fish
69 Squid
GROUP 9: Meat
No. Indicator
70 Chicken
71 Veal
72 Rabbit meat
73 Lamb
74 Beef
75 Pork
76 Turkey meat
GROUP 10: Fruits
No. Indicator
77 Pineapple
78 An apple
79 Apricot
80 Banana
81 Pear
82 Blackberry
83 Strawberry
84 A fig tree
85 Raspberry
86 Black currant
87 Cherry
88 Tangerine
89 Nectarine
90 Orange
91 Grapefruit
92 Peach
93 Prunes
94 Raisins
95 Grapes
96 Lemon
GROUP 11: Vegetables
No. Indicator
97 Cauliflower
98 White beans
99 Broccoli
100 Chicory
101 A slice
102 Pickled cucumbers
103 Potatoes
104 Alabash
105 Lettuce
106 Pumpkin
107 Through the bow
108 Melon
109 Carrots
110 Chile
111 Red radish
112 White turnips
113 Brussels sprouts
114 Beetroot
115 Red cabbage
116 Celery stalk
117 Tomato
118 Kale
119 Zucchini
120 Onion
GROUP 12: Flavorings
No. Indicator
122 Glutamate (glutamic acid, E620)
122 Herbamare All Season Seasoning with Sea Salt
123 Marinades
124 Trocomare Universal Seasoning with Sea Salt
GROUP 13: Cereals
No. Indicator
125 In the year
126 Spelled
127 Barley
128 Millet
129 Oat flakes
130 Oat bran
131 Cornflakes
132 Corn
133 Rice
134 Rice milk
135 Rye
136 Wheat
137 Wheat bran
138 Wheat flour
139 Full grain flower
GROUP 14: Spices
No. Indicator
140 Anise
141 Basil
142 Savory
143 Cayenne pepper
144 Curry
145 Dill
146 Verbena
147 Tarragon
148 Fennel seed
149 Carnation
150 Ginger
151 Garlic
152 Coriander
153 Cumin
154 Bay leaf
155 Marjoram
156 Nutmeg
157 Oregano
158 Paprika
159 Parsley
160 Pepper
161 Rosemary
162 Saffron
163 Garden tea
164 Minced garlic
165 Mustard
166 Thyme
167 Vanilla
168 Juniper
169 Cinnamon
170 Lemon balm
GROUP 15: Legumes
No. Indicator
171 Yellow peas
172 Green peas
173 Chickpeas
174 Lentils
175 Soy
GROUP 16: Isotonic drinks
No. Indicator
176 Isotonic drinks
GROUP 17: A siren
No. Indicator
177 French Camembert cheese
178 Hard cheese
179 Soft cheese
180 Sheep cheese
GROUP 18: Coffee
No. Indicator
181 Rye, chickpeas
182 Espresso
183 Decaffeinated
184 Coffee without irritants
185 Caffeine
186 Nescafe
187 Instant coffee
GROUP 19: Cocoa beans
No. Indicator
188 Cocoa beans
GROUP 20: Dairy
No. Indicator
189 Bifidus bacteria
190 High fat milk
191 Condensed milk
192 Yoghurt
193 Kefir
194 Milk
195 Cottage cheese
196 Cream
197 Fermented milk
GROUP 21: Nuts
No. Indicator
198 Peanuts
199 Hazelnuts
200 Coconut
201 Almond
202 Brazilian walnut
203 American walnut
204 pistachios
205 Walnuts
GROUP 22: Oil seeds
No. Indicator
206 Pumpkin seed
207 Linseed
208 Poppy seed
209 Sesame seed
210 Sunflower seed
GROUP 23: Mushrooms
No. Indicator
211 Mushrooms
212 Mushrooms
213 Black crow's foot
214 The shrunken
GROUP 24: That
No. Indicator
215 Sea salt
216 Sodium fluoride
217 Sodium iodide
218 That
GROUP 26: Ingredients
No. Indicator
220 Quinine
221 Gliadin
222 Gluten
223 Histamine
224 Phenylethylamine
225 Phosphates
226 Salicylic acid
227 Serotonin
228 Taurine
229 Tyramine
GROUP 27: Starch
No. Indicator
230 Potato starch
231 Cornstarch
232 Wheat starch
GROUP 28: Sweeteners
No. Indicator
233 Aspartame
234 Cyclamate
235 Maltitol
236 Mannitol
237 Palatinosis
238 Zacharin
239 Sorbitol
240 Xylitol
GROUP 29: Teas
No. Indicator
241 Fennel seed
242 Green tea
243 Rosehip
244 St. John's Wort
245 Chamomile
246 Lipa
247 Mint
248 Salvia
249 Black tea
250 Lemon balm
GROUP 30: Tofu
No. Indicator
251 Tofu
GROUP 32: Eh
No. Indicator
259 Eh
GROUP 31: Sugar
No. Indicator
252 Med
253 Fructose
254 Lactose
255 Cane brown sugar
256 Sugar beet
257 Sweet root
258 White sugar