Vega test + vitamin deficiency, minerals and enzymes

The enzyme deficiency test can be used as an adjunct to the vitamin and mineral deficiency vega test. Enzymes are involved in every process in the body, without them our life could not exist. With their help, complex compounds are broken down into simpler and digestible substances. All foods, which nature provides us, in their raw state they possess an abundance of enzymes. High cooking temperature destroys enzymes. When heated in water at a temperature between 48 ° i 65 ° With the enzymes are more or less destroyed. With the onset of enzyme deficiency, we age faster. Enzyme deficiency symptoms are associated with weight gain and digestive problems such as gas, swelling and nausea. With the depletion of our enzyme reserves over the years, it is possible to cause diseases such as: constipation, blood diseases, bleeding ulcers, swelling and arthritis. The level of enzymes decreases as the disease worsens, such as in people with diabetes, lipase is usually reduced, in liver diseases such as cirrhosis and hepatitis, cholecystitis, skin problems such as psoriasis, dermatitis and itching, amylase is usually low. Enzyme levels may also increase during exercise or acute illness, they have a direct connection with the defense mechanism in our bodies.


  • Липаза: разгражда мастните клетки до мастни киселини и глицерол и ги разпределя в тялото
  • Протеаза: разгражда протеините до аминокиселини, необходими на цялото тяло
  • Амилаза: разгражда въглехидратите до по-малки единици като глюкоза и регулира хистамина, за да намали симптомите на алергия
  • Пепсин: разграждане на белтъците до по-високомолекулни съединения и аминокиселини
  • Панкреатин: комбинация от няколко храносмилателни ензима – липаза (мастни храносмилателни ензими), протеаза (белтъчни храносмилателни ензими) и амилаза (скорбялни храносмилателни ензими)

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